Formulário de Contato


The Trade and Compliance Hub (TCH) is a professional network spin-off of the Trade and Compliance Institute (TCI).

TCH operates under the same values ​​and principles as TCI, and in a pragmatic way carries out TCI's mission of a Sustainable Ecosystem of Trust and Social Cohesion.

“Social cohesion broadly refers to the strength of bonds or social distance between societal members. The concept of social cohesion has evolved since early sociological and psychological scholarship on the topic. The concept can be traced back to Émile Durkheim, one of the architects of modern sociology (Pahl, 1991), who defined social cohesion as the interdependence or solidarity between individuals with strong social bonds and without social conflict (Fonseca, Lukosch and Brazier, 2019). Building on these concepts in the 1950s, Talcott Parsons “argued for a functionalist approach, which could treat society as a system, composed of interdependent subsystems, held together by shared values reproduced by socialisation” (Jenson, 1998).

Lott and Lott (1961) later defined social cohesion as reciprocal positive attitudes among individuals of a group. In the field of psychology, Sigmund Freud defined social cohesion as the phenomenon of individuals sharing common characteristics forming emotional ties (Fonseca, Lukosch and Brazier, 2019). Allport (1954) later theorized that common characteristics were not only unnecessary, but that intergroup contact could foster cohesion. His contact hypothesis posited that intergroup contact, under conditions such as equal status and common goals, reduces prejudice and fosters cooperation. The notion that social cohesion is not dependent on homogeneity across individuals is echoed in the current understanding of cohesiveness, which emphasises homogeneity in values, socio-economic opportunities, sense of belonging, social mobility, and social capital over homogeneity of individual characteristics.” (UNECE, Social Cohesion Concept and Measurement).

TCH is a multi-disciplinary professional services network that provides trade, compliance and sustainability advice to companies and individuals around the world.

Particular importance is placed upon the need to bridge not only legal and linguistic differences, but also cultural differences between negotiating parties, which is why clients often call upon TCH partners to be present in business negotiations in any stage.

TCH member are multi-lingual allowing clients to conduct their business away from home in their own language.

Our membership is comprised of premier boutique and mid-sized firms, distinguished by their commitment to serving the mid-market. These firms are characterized by partner-led, personalized service and possess substantial expertise in cross-border transactions.
integrity Professionalism Expertise Working Groups Vetting Process Global Events
We are committed to ethics and do not act under conflict of interest. Competence, reliability, accountability, ethical behavior, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Our senior experts have experience, knowledge and training to carry out the agreed deliveries. Through our international working groups we stay up to date with the most relevant and current discussions in international trade, supporting and learning from each other. We carry out background checks, due diligences, assessment questionnaires and have an open compliance channel. Enabling members to meet regularly to develop firm relationships and discuss client opportunities.
Representing our global reach, we are ideally positioned to provide top-quality, tailored advice that addresses the most complex client needs in a rapidly changing world.

However, our goal is not to be the largest network, but to be a network in which all its members are committed to the vision and values ​​that we share.

We are not just a network, but one global family. We support each other’s success with professionalism and ethics.


To foster a sustainable ecosystem of trust and social cohesion by providing specialized consulting in trade, compliance, and sustainability to companies and individuals worldwide. We operate with integrity and professionalism, supporting our members in navigating international transactions and adapting to a rapidly changing world.



Our vision at TCH is to be a distinguished network in Facilitating Licit Trade and promoting Sustainability. We aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, driving innovation, Ethical Business Practices, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Harmonization of International Trade Standards.



At TCH, we uphold Integrity, Transparency, and Inclusivity in all aspects of our work. We are committed to Excellence, Professionalism, and Continuous Learning. Our values guide us in promoting Diversity, Respecting Human Rights, and Embracing Environmental Stewardship. We believe in Collaboration, Accountability, and making a Meaningful Impact on Society.